Hobbyhorse Race

Saturday June 8, 2024 5:00 PM

Ortega River Club’s Hobbyhorse Race

It’s a safe bet you won’t want to miss this!

Fan of the Kentucky Derby? Here’s your chance
to be on the “Rails” as you witness
this unique horse race

Your chance to bid on your favorite horse
comes Saturday, June 8th

Doors and bar open 5 pm
Food served 5:30 pm
Race begins approximately 6:15 pm
Music and dancing 8:30 pm to closing

$20 Members, $30 Guests

You’ll receive play money and a door prize
ticket with your paid entry

Prizes, 50/50 Drawing, Drink Specials
(Prizes for Best Hat, Best Dressed Man,
Best Horse/Jockey)

RSVP required by Friday, 6/7 at 12 noon

Hot Brown Sliders
(Toasted Hawaiian Bread w/Turkey, Bacon, Tomato, Cheddar Cheese, Mornay Sauce)

German Potato Salad
(w/Dijon Mustard, Hard Boiled Eggs, Color Bell Peppers, Celery, Parsley, Lemon)

Garden Salad
(Baby Mixed Greens, Olives, Tomatoes, Cucumber & Carrot Ribbons, Balsamic Vinaigrette)

~ Catered by Chef Fernando~


RSVP deadline is past
